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Friday, May 27, 2011

The Return of Michel Chikwanine- Activist and Former Child Soldier

Michel Chikwanine is a former child soldier.  Michel was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo where he grew during the Great War of Africa. He witnessed the torture of his father, who was singled out for his political beliefs,  and endured other many other difficult stuggles. Much of Michel’s childhood was ravaged by the death and decay of a war that claimed the lives of 5.8 million people, his father included. Through these experiences and the legacy of his father, Michel has learned the importance of positive thinking and the potential each and every one of us has to create positive change. He tells his story in order to craete awarness about child rights and to empower others to stand up for what is right.

Michel was in the New England area speaking at University of New Haven. Tony Esposito, VP of Student Affairs at BSU, organized a trip with some FTC members to go to the event. We were also able to see Bria Wilbur who accompanied Michel. Bria is cofounder and former Vice President of our chapter, and is now working for Free the Children as an Outreach Speaker. We were able to listen to Michels powerful speech again and talk about our own chapter’s accomplishments. The event was organized by Dan Kent, a former member of our chapter who is now attending grad school at the University of New Haven working in Student Activities. An organization he works with of students bringing awareness about these issues to their own college community - S.M.I.L.E.S- hosted the event. This was beautiful night of community and inspiration.

For information on how to bring Michel and other powerful speakers to your school, church, or organization contact Me to We Speakers.

This blog was written by Iolando Spinola. Tell us you were here! Leave your name and where your from with your support, comment, question, etc!

BSU Free The Children meetings are at 5:30pm in the Sociology Department

(101 Burrill Office Complex: Bridgewater, MA 02325)